Discover how to ignite your divine feminine and ascend into a life of joy, fulfillment and ease
Dear Modern Woman,

I dare you.

I dare you  to live an authentically happy life (instead of a life wrapped around someone else’s expectations).

I dare you  to move your body every day, and feed it clean, delicious fuel (so it can give you the freedom you deserve).

I dare you  to live in your feminine flow (instead of lodged in your masculine hustle).
I dare you to Ascend.
And here’s why...

My name is Jennifer Ludington, aka Jen “The JENerator,” and I wasted over a decade of my life living for people’s expectations instead of living MY truth.
I’m not being dramatic when I tell you…it nearly destroyed me.
I’m not being dramatic when I tell you…it nearly destroyed me
I over-exercised and under-nourished my body into what I thought would earn me love and acceptance.

I suffered quietly behind the scenes with eating disorders, depression, guilt, shame, and deep unworthiness...

Until the day my daughter, who was just 7 at the time, asked me...
“Mom, do you ever eat anything other than lettuce?”
My sweet little girl’s innocent question snapped me out of my silent suffering.

Finally I could see just how far away from myself I’d fallen.

And I set out on a journey to remember who I forgot to BE.
It took a lot of time, work, and support, but I found my way back to ME...and into an authentic, joy-filled life I LOVE.
Since then I’ve coached over a thousand clients into creating joy-filled, authentic lives of their own, by focusing on three specific areas of their lives...

The same three areas of my life I transformed to reconnect to ME.
I call them the 3 Pillars of Ascension
Challenge Your Beliefs
Every Day
Challenge Your Fitness & Health Every Day
Divine Feminine
Challenge Your Pleasure & Joy Every Day

Why mindset, health, and the Divine Feminine?

Because when you dare to evolve your mindset…

When you dare to embrace health and caring for your physical body...

When you dare to integrate your feminine flow, pleasure, and joy…

And you dare to do it all on a DAILY basis...

You’ll discover that there’s nothing you can’t do...including create the free, authentic life you crave and fill it with joy, abundance, and flow.

Because I want to help a million women “ascend” into authentic, joy-filled lives they love--and because I can’t personally coach every woman myself--I’ve created a 30-day dare to help you begin your ascension TODAY.

It's called Dare To Ascend And Rediscover The Truth Inside You

Here’s how Dare To Ascend works.

For 30 days we focus on each of the 3 Pillars of Ascension.

That means, you’ll do one thing to ascend your mindset, health, and divine feminine, using one of the Dares I provide for each pillar.

That’s right! I tell you exactly what to do for each Pillar of Ascension. All you do is pick the activity you want and go for it!

Dare To Ascend is self-paced, meaning you can take it as quickly or as slowly as you want.

If there are days when you don’t make it work, keep going. 
Take imperfect action, because the point of Dare To Ascend isn’t perfection.
It’s to dare yourself to a higher level than the one you’re at now...

And to discover what’s possible for YOU when you dare yourself to focus, dare yourself to complete what you set out to complete, and dare yourself to face discomfort.
If you can dare yourself, imagine what else you can do?
Plus I’ll be there to support you every step of the way!

Click the button below to begin your ascension.
Here’s everything you get with Dare To Ascend.
  • Self-paced ascension based around the 3 Pillars of Ascension: Mindset, Health, and The Divine Feminine
  • Access to my personal mindset book list, journal prompts, meditations, Ooray rant, 30-minute home workouts from me, my high-protein recipes pack, my happiness/joy activity idea list, and my shame release techniques
  • Membership in the Dare To Ascend private Facebook community for access to support and your Pillar assignments
  • An ascension buddy for added support and accountability
  • ​A sacred community of sisters just like you to support you every step of the way
Click the button below to begin your ascension.
I dare you.

That’s right, I dare you…

I dare you  to live an authentically happy life (instead of a life wrapped around someone else’s expectations).

I dare you  to move your body every day, and feed it clean, delicious fuel (so it can support you in a long, healthy life).

I dare you  to live in your feminine flow (instead of lodged in your masculine hustle)...

Because Dare To Ascend isn’t for the semi-committed woman who’s okay with settling for less than the life she wants and deserves.
Dare To Ascend is for the modern woman who dares to stop feeling guilt and shame for wanting to be exactly who she is.
It’s for the modern woman who dares to embrace ALL sides of herself (instead of feeling like she has to choose the ones society says are acceptable).

It’s for the modern woman who dares to live HER truth.

If you dare, click the button below to begin your ascension.

I dare you.


Meet the “JEN”erator:

Jennifer Ludington, aka Jen the JENerator, is a Mind Ascension coach, best-selling author, keynote speaker, accomplished athlete, and most recently, co-host of the Soul Ascends podcast. With more than fifteen years spent coaching over one thousand clients into their own authentic, value-centered lives, Jen discovered that the power of authentic connection to your own truth is the only way to set yourself free.

Jen is 100% committed to supporting her clients so they can JENerate their own value-centered lives and stay in their truth and their own personal power, by releasing past self-destructive beliefs, false stories, and insidious lies that continue to control them as prisoners in their own minds.

Jen’s also a wife and mother of three, a Yorkie dog mom, an entrepreneur, podcast host, former elite fitness studio owner, yoga studio owner, fitness model, national-level fitness competitor, competitive bodybuilder, and endurance athlete. She founded a nutrition bar company designed for high achieving professionals seeking to live their healthiest, most empowered life.

When she’s not podcasting, speaking, writing, or coaching, you can find her in Idaho’s great outdoors mountain biking, hiking, or cross country skiing; or on the beaches of Florida enjoying snorkeling, reading, and beach walking.

“I’m in your corner, sis!”
- Jen The JENerator
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