Stop the Hustle,  Organically Build Your Business, & Monetize Your Mission
Welcome to The Business Ascension Mastery Program (B.A.M!)

Join Our Program and Get Guided on How to Make Your Next $10,000 in Your Business Without Paid Advertising or Bro Marketing! 

Is this you?

  • Are you at an income cap in your business and no matter what you do, you can't seem to break through to your six figure year?
  • Are you tired of hustling and feel like you often have to choose business over family and the things that are important to you?
  • ​Would you like to massively scale your business creating multiple streams of revenue and passive income?

If so, we got you! 
**Join us Now for Payments of just $222!

Where We've Been Featured

Here's what you get when you enroll in B.A.M!

16-Weeks of Business Strategy & Manifestation Lessons, Coaching, and Accountability ($2,000 value!)

Weekly Video Lessons to Help you Intuit, Strategize, Manifest, and Monetize Your Business Vision ($3,000 value!)

Two (2) Monthly Live Lessons so you can start Implementing our Framework and Experience Results Immediately 
($1,500 value!)
10-Months of active membership inside our Private Facebook Sisterhood Group ($1,200 value!)
10-months of Access to Our Team to Stay Accountable and Moving Forward with Your "Soul-Signments"

Value = $11,800 for just $1997 or payments of $222 Today!

Imagine, scaling your business while HAVING FUN in a connected community. 

It's time for you learn our soul ascend strategy to make more connections and organically build your business without yucky marketing tactics or paid advertising.

Join our community as we break all the rules. 

Because let's be honest. 

We are so over the sleazy marketing tactics most other online coaches are teaching you.  

We help heart centered, soulful women...

organically monetize their vision so they can create financial freedom in alignment with their values without the overwhelming fast-paced hustle-hard mentality so they never have to trade time for money again.

Click the button below to join The Coven to get guided on how to organically grow your business while creating lasting heart centered connections with aligned women.

Meg & Jen helped me make $30k in our first month coaching together!

Holly Schakelaar, Founder of Goddess Yoga International

In the first month I was able to create a new offering that brought me $30k in new revenue and the brand is now growing at such a rapid pace because women are stepping forward that want to invest in this vision, and see the value and impact it has in up-leveling women on the planet right now.

I am thrilled to be getting such heart centered support as well as clear strategies that feel in complete alignment with my companies mission and values. These women are the real deal in an industry where there is a lot of fakes (just being real). 

Working Alone in Your Business and Life Can Cause You To Experience...

  • Lack of Confidence. Your rational mind is constantly talking you out of great ideas and so you often don't accomplish the things that once felt good.
  • ​Lack of Support. You don't know who to call on to bounce ideas with or validate the "nudges" you've been receiving.
  • Limited Capacity. You don't have any perspective or skills outside of your own. 
  • ​Frustration. It seems like you're at a point now where you're settling because you don't know your next step.
  • ​Isolation and Feeling Alone. Let's face it. Entrepreneurship and Manifestation can be hard. But it doesn't have to be when you're connected to heart centered community and sisterhood.

But what if... you could break this cycle now?

If you are experiencing this right now, stop and pause. THIS IS A GOOD SIGN. Consider this your WAKE UP CALL that you're ready to ascend. Remember, before expansion comes major frustration, break-down, and confusion. You are dismantling the old way of being that just doesn't work anymore. 

Instead, Imagine Gaining the Support To Feel...

  • Confident.  You've developed an awareness to know when the sabotage is happening and you've got a team who can show you the opposite.
  • ​Success. Your logic is overpowered by your intuitive gifts. You're able to manifest things that don't make any sense to the logical mind but feels oh so good.
  • Seen, Heard, and Validated. You've got a sisterhood of others who see you, hear you, and believe in you.
  • Clarity. You've remembered clarity on the things that are holding you back, and the values that are important to you to manifest with ease and joy.
  • Massive ​Abundance. Inside of The Coven you'll learn how to make a massive energetic shift so abundance is ever-flowing your way. And it's actually quite easy!
  • Loved. Cheesy right? We know. But quite honestly, it's what we pride ourselves on the most. Because every single woman who joins The Coven is seen, loved, and respected. 

"Megan and Jen show up 100% for every single person they work with...

They lead with their hearts and intuition. I can't even imagine my life without them in it now."
-Rachel Snow, The Divorce Doula 

From $500/mo to $34,000 in one month!

"I couldn't have done this without Meg and Jen, and I'm a 57 year old woodworker!"
-Nancy Bond, Woodworker

From $70k/year as an educator to $100,000+

"I came into the experience with the intention of finding a path forward in my business and what I got out of it was LIFE CHANGING. Not only did I meet other like minded soul sisters who I can now call friends, I gained infinite wisdom for my business that I can implement for years to come. I also made some big changes in my business right away that allowed for more time for myself and more money! Who doesn't want that? 

Meg and Jen are an incredible pair that compliment each other so well. They are genuine heart centered bad asses and you NEED them on your team. Put them in your corner! It will be so much more than you could ever imagine - TRANSFORMATIVE!!!" 

-Jaime Rivetts MSEd , Entrepreneur & Educator  

The Business Ascension Lesson Plan

*Each Module will be filled with "Soul-Signments" for you to get into action and begin implementing in your business immediately. You also get a chance to work directly with Meg and Jen to engage, ask questions, and implement your soul-signments with the group. 

 Section 1: Building the Foundation for Monetization
How to Attract Your Ideal Client
How to Create Free Offers to Build Your Audience
Content Mapping

Section 2: Mastering Your Heart Centered Business
Email Sequence Strategy
Monetizing Your Free Offer
Converting into a Heart Centered Community
Clients and Community for Life

Section 3: Heart Centered Collaboration for Conversion
How to Build Your Affiliate Community 
How to Make 6+ Figures without Using Paid Advertising
The Soul Ascend Formula: Connection + Collaboration - Competition = Currency 

Section 4: Developing Your High Ticket Offers
How to Make Money using High Ticket Offers
How to hit $10k the Simple Way
Creating the WOW Factor With Your Offers

*Bonuses: Time to Quantum Leap!
The Complete Business Building Guidebook
10 Ways to Make Money Online with Systems & Tech Support
*Bonus: 5D Business & Money Workshop

Meet Your B.A.M. Mentors:

Jennifer Ludington and Megan McCann

Megan McCann is a #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author, Speaker,  and Business strategy coach. Meg, who is also the host of the Soul Ascend Podcast and in 2011 made it to the top 2% of a multi-billion dollar nutrition company, a 7 figure business. She currently works with entrepreneurs, philanthropists, intuitive healers, speakers, authors, and other creatives, and give them the tools to monetize to $100k THEIR WAY. Her podcast, events, coaching, and online courses give current and future change-makers the tools to manifest and scale. She lives in Sun Valley, ID with her two daughters Mykala and Galena, and her husband Luc.

Jen Ludington is highly sought-after Speaker and #1 Best-Selling Author, Podcaster, Real Estate Investor. She has owned and operated her own elite fitness and yoga studios and created and sold her own successful nutrition bar company. 

Now she is best known for her ability to support women in overcoming their self-limiting beliefs, and becoming the “JENerator” of their own value-centered lives while turning their vision and mission into monetizing machines for the highest good. Jen has helped thousands of women create quantum leaps and massive abundance in their personal, professional and spiritual lives. 

We together provide the complimentary value centered strategies for women in business to monetize quickly. 

We are on a mission to impact 1 Million Women in Business!

Frequently Asked Questions...

1. But what if I don't have a business yet?

No problem. This program is designed for those who are at any point in their business. Whether you are just starting, your business is just a thought, or you've been in business for a decade, our mission is to give you the tools to optimize your impact and make more money. 

2. I don't have the money. Can you finance this for me?

Yes. We have 2 options to finance this program for you.  We at Gangster Witch Corp. can finance it for you which means that you will pay us directly payments of just $222 for 10 months. 

If this is still not possible for you, we have created a partnership with 3rd party funding program. In this option you can apply for your funds with (upon approval) interest rates as for as little as 0%. 7 Figures Credit will pay you your funds and you can pay for our program in full. Click here to qualify and receive your funds in as little as 48 hours!

3. I need accountability. How will this program support me with getting into action?

Our team is trained to check in with you to ensure that you are integrating the "soul-signments" aka weekly lessons. Our Soul Ascend leaders will ensure that you are getting into action. Not only that, but you get access to our online community so you'll be able to connect and grow with Meg and Jen, along with other incredible B.A.M. students = priceless!

4. My business isn't making money yet. How do I know this is going to work?

While we don't make any guarantees on your income (because that's ultimately up to you), we can ensure you that the tools we are giving you have helped countless women monetize quickly. Investing in yourself and your business is essential to ensuring the sustainability of your business.

5. Do I get to work with Meg and Jen?

Yes. You will get access to mentorship from Meg and Jen inside the online community to ask questions and gain clarity on your performance. 

6. What are the time commitments?

Mark your calendars first Tuesdays of the month at 10am MST where Meg & Jen coach live inside our group for you to engage, learn new and relevant content, and ask questions. If you can't make it live, not to worry. You can catch the replay, comment, and tag Meg and Jen for support.

7. I'm scared! Can you help me with this fear?

You're scared because you're about to embark on an entire new journey which of course feels scary. Having fear about something is often an indicator that you're about to press up against new thresholds. It's time to get out of your comfort zone and do things that will help you monetize and make an impact. We've been there and we got you.

8. What exactly are we going to cover in the Academy?

Scroll up to take a sneak peak into our curriculum. You'll see we have mapped out the lessons to help you gain visibility, new clients, and scale!

9. When can I start?

As soon as you register, you'll gain immediate access to the course as well as our group so you don't need to wait to start getting into action and making money, honey.

10. What if a sisterhood and community scares me?  

We get it. We have had to manage our old sister wounds and over come lots of old trauma. Our goal is to help you heal, learn to trust, and show up in full transparency so you can help all women rewrite the narrative. Our community is supportive, loving, accepting and 100% on your side. 

11. But what if I don't have a lot of time right now?

We got you. While we recommend going through the lessons weekly, you will have lifetime access to the course so you are welcome to go at your own pace!

The world desperately needs you and your gifts. 
It's time for your ascension.

Would you like to fund your B.A.M! Program?

We have created a partnership with 3rd party funding program. In this option you can apply for your funds with (upon approval) interest rates as for as little as 0%. 7 Figures Credit will pay you your funds and you can pay for our program in full. Click here to qualify and receive your funds in as little as 48 hours!

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