“Are you ready to live a life of fulfillment and joy every single day?”
"discover how to blow up the beliefs that are blowing up your life and FINALLY live a life that brings you joy and fulfillment"
Every. Single. Day.
“Are you ready to live a life of fulfillment and joy every single day?”
"discover how to blow up the beliefs that are blowing up your life and FINALLY live a life that brings you joy and fulfillment"
Every. Single. Day.

Join the Challenge Today


Click the button below to join the challenge and get a clear, simple, 
step-by-step approach to  unlocking your highest potential so you can live the joyful, purposeful life you crave.

My name is Jen “The JENerator” Ludington. I help my clients blow up their beliefs so they can stop blowing up their life, and instead become the JENerators of their own life’s purpose and vision.

But before I was Jen “The JENerator,” 
I was living a LIE.
For a decade I suffered in silence, battling abuse, childhood trauma, abandonment, and addiction, all while living as a single mom.

I LOATHED myself, and believing it was the only way to prove my worth, I devoted myself to fitness perfection.”

My body was my armor, hiding the broken, powerless, fearful girl who just wanted approval and acceptance.
As a result, I built a life that wasn’t mine.
Instead, it was based on what other people approved of and validated me for. I felt empty, unmotivated, and alone.

After years of binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, and the crushing shame that go along with them,
I decided I was done living a lie.
The walls I’d built up to protect myself from pain were also blocking love, connection, and the clarity to understand who I was and what I wanted. I knew I needed help remembering who I really was.
I tried it ALL.
Coaching programs, trendy self-confidence challenges, and smarmy trainings about empowerment. I journaled, meditated, filled out worksheets...you name it, I did it
But NONE of that fluffy surface work helped.
What FINALLY pointed me toward my authentic self and a fulfilling life with purpose and vision was getting clear on my personal core values.

When I say values, I’m not talking about religion, politics, morals, or anything else you may think of as a value.

I’m talking about YOUR own inner values. They’re what really matters to YOU, not what you think you should want, or what other people say you should care about.

And like mine, your core values are already inside you, waiting for you to identify and live in alignment with them.
My name is Jen “The JENerator” Ludington. I help my clients blow up their beliefs so they can stop blowing up their life, and instead become the JENerators of their own life’s purpose and vision.

But before I was Jen “The JENerator,” 
I was living a LIE.
For a decade I suffered in silence, battling abuse, childhood trauma, abandonment, and addiction, all while living as a single mom.

I LOATHED myself, and believing it was the only way to prove my worth, I devoted myself to fitness perfection.”

My body was my armor, hiding the broken, powerless, fearful girl who just wanted approval and acceptance.
As a result, I built a life that wasn’t mine.
Instead, it was based on what other people approved of and validated me for. I felt empty, unmotivated, and alone.

After years of binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, and the crushing shame that go along with them,
I decided I was done living a lie.
The walls I’d built up to protect myself from pain were also blocking love, connection, and the clarity to understand who I was and what I wanted. I knew I needed help remembering who I really was.
I tried it ALL.
Coaching programs, trendy self-confidence challenges, and smarmy trainings about empowerment. I journaled, meditated, filled out worksheets...you name it, I did it
But NONE of that fluffy surface work helped.
What FINALLY pointed me toward my authentic self and a fulfilling life with purpose and vision was getting clear on my personal core values.

When I say values, I’m not talking about religion, politics, morals, or anything else you may think of as a value.

I’m talking about YOUR own inner values. They’re what really matters to YOU, not what you think you should want, or what other people say you should care about.

And like mine, your core values are already inside you, waiting for you to identify and live in alignment with them.

Living OUT of alignment with your values may cause you to feel any (or all) of the following:

  • You’re living a life based on others’ expectations, instead of what you actually  want
  • You feel disconnected from your life, partner, intimacy, and relationships
  • You’re NEVER satisfied, no matter how much you accomplish, or how impressed  other people are by you
  • You’re imprisoned by perfectionism, and as a result your goals and dreams are stalled
  • You feel exhausted, easily frustrated, and lack energy and focus (especially when  it comes to yourself)
  • You feel invisible and unappreciated at work and a home
  • Deep down, you believe you’re a failure and always will be

Those feelings are just what comes from living out of alignment with YOUR personal core
values. Most people are living this way, because we’re conditioned to live based on other
people’s expectations instead of our own.

But the day you start living in alignment with YOUR personal values is the day you stop feeling
like your own worst enemy, and instead live confidently and authentically as YOU.

To help you do exactly that, I’ve created the She Ascends Values-to-Vision challenge,
where I take you through my proven SHE Ascends Method to identifying your personal core

It took me years of self-improvement work and coaching to Ascend to my authentic self and
blow up the beliefs that were blowing up my life.

But in the Values to Vision challenge, you get to Ascend into your empowered life.

If any of those resonate, please know you’re not alone, and there’s nothing wrong with you.

    Here’s what you get when you enroll today in the She Ascends Values to Vision challenge:

    •  She Ascends video trainings with Jen “The JENerator” Ludington, all designed to help you identify your core personal values and create a simple plan to LIVE  them in your day to day life. FINALLY feel like you’re living a life that YOU want! ($697  value)
    • Mentorship, Coaching, and Support from Jen Ludington. Plus accountability and live support from Jen and her team. ($497 value)
    • Printable Ascendment exercises personally crafted by Jen to guide you through the SHE Ascends method for identifying your personal core values ($197 value)
    • Guided meditation that takes less than five minutes, to help you feel calm and centered even when you only have a few minutes ($97 value) 
    • A pop-up challenge Facebook community to connect with Jen and a safe, supportive, nurturing community of women who, like you, are ready to identify their truth and Ascend  (PRICELESS) 
    • An amazing accountability partner to help you stay on track with your challenge Ascendments (PRICELESS) 
    • Private members area with lifetime access to your challenge Ascendments (PRICELESS) 
    • Live Q&A with Jen, plus a FREE clarity coaching call!

    Does any of this sound like you?

    • You’re ready to eradicate the self-sabotage blowing up your life at every turn
    • You are so sick of the bland, superficial vision board groups, the generic fluffy self-help books, being told to journal and meditate, yet nothing ever works and you still feel like a failure.
    • The surface stuff makes you nauseous and you really want to take control of your life and go deep.
    • You know that there is more meant for your life, and you’ve tried everything and nothing works. Instead you’re left feeling like something is wrong with you and you feel defeated.
    • You are protecting yourself with HUGE cement walls that you think are keeping you safe but you can’t seem to break them down.
    • You are ready to go deep, get in the arena and get dirty so you can really dig up the trauma, emotions and stories that are keeping you imprisoned in your life.

    Refer 3 Friends
    and Get Yours FREE!

    Refer 3 of Your Friends to the 10-day Challenge!
    When we confirm that they have signed up, we will refund your fee .

     It’s a magical moment when we all get to ASCEND together!

    But don’t take it from me! Check out these candid 


    We will send them an email and when they register, then you will get it for free!

    CHALLENGE BEGINS November 2nd 2020!

    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

    Any Questions?
    Email us at fitlud@gmail.com
    - Become the JENerator of your own life!

    For support issues or questions - Please email us at info@jenniferludington.com
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